Module Three - Signs Part 3


create a personalised lexicon, which is an INTERPRETer to be used as a study guide.

download the free lexicon to get you started

Expand your study guide by adding more words & their interpretations as you go on

You are now ready to tackle the more advanced modules


The lexicon is a glossary, Interpreter and a valuable study guide that can help you to interpret the messages and metaphors that crop up in everyday life, which can often be unnoticed, dismissed or misunderstood. Practice using it to interpret meaning and build on it as you go on. 

Words are listed alphabetically to help you interpret messages from colours, symbols, animals, metaphors etc. Also Included are metaphysical words used in the modules, explained in more detail.

FREE TO USE online, click the image below to open a new page, then simply click on the book, then on the spyglass icon bottom right which opens a word search at the top, enter your word in search; hit return and your word with the meaning, displays in the book. 

The eLearning Course Lexicon


Free to download Lexicon PDF file digital download here if you want a copy to use offline

if you prefer to buy a printed book  you can order below for £11.99 plus postage. Try refreshing the page if you cannot see the icon.


The eLearning Course Lexicon

June-Elleni Laine