hello again

A warm welcome to Module 7

By now your ability to communicate with your own intuition and with others in the world has improved a lot. Chances are you’ve also realised your creative potential in on the rise and please do remember to acknowledge any progress you notice, one step at a time.

Module 6 helped you to use art to create your goals and encouraged you to have fun as you are creating what you need and want. Keep an eye out for changes towards the goal you set to manifest.

For Module 7 it’s a good idea to find a buddy, if you don’t have one, reach out in the members group Face Book The eLearning Course members group.

This module will help you uncover the basic survival patterns you formed in childhood, and it will help you to understand why things are as they are in your life. It will also help you to know what you could do about any changes you would like to make now.

You will find it helpful if you have already completed modules 1 to 3, 4 and 5 as this module will dip into the skills of receiving messages using your psychic/ mediumship ability. These skills will be sharpened more as you use them to receive messages from your future self. Prepare for life enhancing experiences.

- June-Elleni Laine


Reminder of agreements

I agree to the following -

  1. After opening my Chakras as instructed in the first three modules to activate and use my extra sensory perception, I will cleanse and close down after I finish working with them to maintain a clear aura. 

  2. This course offers direction and guidance, which is intended to be informative and helpful, but I agree that I remain responsible for my own actions and well-being throughout the course.

  3. I will abide by the honour code; I agree not to share or teach the material from this course to others. I will not share the Module content unless authorized to do so by my mentors.

  4. I will not share outside of this training any private information gathered from case studies conducted as part of my training.

  5. I will acknowledge even small changes I notice in my progress, as doing so will help me to increase my success.

  6. I will take my time when completing the course, because rushing through too quickly or trying too hard to ‘get it right’ will sabotage my success. We all learn differently and the goal is to learn, not compete.

  7. I Intend to be calm and relaxed, believing I can successfully complete the course. This agreement helps to quieten the left brain and activate the right-brain.

  8. I will not consume alcohol or mind altering drugs while reviewing or completing the course materials and exercises. 

  9. When practising readings, I will refrain from offering judgmental interpretations based on my own views or opinions, whenever possible. I’ll look through the lens of love, not fear, to offer uplifting messages to others. Any challenges I sense will be presented as opportunities to learn.

  10. A certificate of completion will be awarded to students that prove competency by completing the quizzes with a score of 75% or higher. Please note enrolling on this course does not guarantee certification.  

  11. I understand that the course materials provide information that I can use for personal and spiritual development, but does not qualify me to counsel, diagnose or treat mental or physical illness or injuries in myself or others.

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June-Elleni Laine